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Westminster mile participants running at start line

About the event

We are looking forward to seeing you on 21 September!

Held in the heart of London, the Vitality Westminster Mile takes place on a spectacular course that starts on The Mall and finishes in front of Buckingham Palace.

Download the 10 key things you need to know to enjoy your day below.

Take me to the Event Guide

Assembly Area

There are no toilets along the course. However, there will be toilets available to runners in the assembly area in Green Park. Please make use of these before making your way to the Start Line.


When you finish the event, you will be directed back to the assembly area in Green Park by our marshals. Please arrange a place in the assembly area to meet your friends and family in advance.

Start waves

When you enter, you will be able to choose a wave.


If you wish to run with friends or as a family, enter via the Family/Group entry and select the same start wave as one another to ensure that you start together.


Wave Start Time
Adult 1 (including British Masters)  09:30
Adult 2   09:35
Children with Cancer UK   09:45
Westminster Community Wave   09:55
Family Wave 1 (Adults & Children)   10:15
Family Wave 2 (Adults & Children)    10:25
Family Wave 3 (Adults & Children) & parkrun  10:35
Ruth Strauss Foundation   10:55
Junior Westminster Wave   11:15
Family Wave 4 (Adults & Children) & Our Parks  11:25
Family Wave 5 (Adults & Children)   11:35
Family Wave 6 (Adults & Children)   11:45
Family Wave 7 (Adults & Children) & Blueprint For All   11:55
Wheelchair Wave   12:05
Family Wave 10 (Adults & Children) - Walking Wave  12:15
Scouts Wave  12:55
Family Wave 8 (Adults & Children)    13:05
Family Wave 9 (Adults & Children)    13:15
Family Wave 10 (Adults & Children) & Bloomsbury Football & London United   13:25
Jr. NBA   14:00
British Milers Club Bannister Mile   14:20